The diverse and unique landscape we have here at West Lancashire Golf Club offers our golfer an experience not found on many courses in the UK.
Take the many colours on offer from our scarce and sometimes rare wildflowers; bartsia, woundworts and toadflax grow freely in our eco roughs, whereas the stable dune system around the opening holes become dominated with native flowering peas in the Summer months. Brightly showing orchids can be found if you are slightly off line all adding to the exclusive nature of our golf course.
The birdlife found consists of many RSPB Red Listed birds including dunnock, linnet and skylark, however, you will need to keep your eyes peeled to see the shy grasshopper warblers that sing every morning throughout May, June and July. If you don’t manage to see them then our charismatic stonechats can be found ‘chatting’ on most holes and the kestrels, buzzards and sparrowhawks all add to the diversity of our special site.
In both 2017 & 2020, we were awarded the Golf Environment Organisation’s highly coveted eco certificate for our work with the flora and fauna we have. We were in the first 25 golf clubs in England to be awarded this but we are continuing to strive to meet new levels whenever possible! We are now able to recycle our organic waste and return it to the course, to be mainly used in the creation of grass pathways around the course. Nest boxes are in the process of being built for the far end of the course and a sand martin habitat is being created to attract these fascinating birds to our golf course.
All this makes West Lancashire golf course a special place to experience a round of golf.